A 10-Step Plunge Into Self-Care

This weekend, I purge cried. After giving thanks and acknowledging all the blessings from this year, I was overflowing. And, in trying to be a good steward of those blessings, I've been juggling a lot. But this weekend, I dropped balls, and a crippling sense of overwhelm set in. It really came to a head in an intense conversation with my husband. 

At that point, there were no more to-do's that I could do. So, the next few days were strictly about refueling my mind, body, spirit -- oh, and my marriage. 

Today, I'm feeling better, and I've worked my way back into the saddle with a restored sense of direction. I'm going to tell you what I did that helped me. Feel free to put any of these in your toolkit in case you find yourself needing to regroup, too! 


The first thing I did was clock out. I needed to rest. The moment I got home, I showered and took my heinie to bed. Sleep is a lifesaver!  


For me, there is not a lot more therapeutic than writing all your thoughts out on paper! Get it all out of your system and let the pen or keyboard fly you to serenity. 

After you get it out, the good stuff starts to creep in. I then have the mental space to start making a plan to repair, maintain and grow. 

Spa Time

And when sleeping doesn't cut it, the healing hands of my aesthetician and the hypnotic rhythms of the jacuzzi jets at the spa help further the cause. The warm water wraps you in a hug, melts the noisy thoughts, and loosens up the tense muscles I'd engaged in carrying all my stuff. I meditated while I floated in the water.

I love the spa at Burke Williams! My aesthetician, Berlyn, has seriously healing hands! I don't go just for the external repair. She does some deep work done when I get what is otherwise known as a simple facial. It requires a calming spirit and healing hands! I needed both. 

Social Media Diet

To reduce some of the noise, I had to avoid getting caught up on social media. Instead, I had to make space for my own voice. Facebook knows a lot about me. But, it doesn't know my plans and how much noise I can take without distracting me from accomplishing my goals. 

It was getting in the way, so I shut it down 

Lunch Date

After my spa appointment, my husband and I went to lunch at Juicy Ladies. It's a beautiful organic restaurant with lots of vegan-friendly options. They have a refreshing outdoor patio with great views of the bustling Pacific Coast Highway and the calming Pacific Ocean. It was a fitting backdrop to our conversation while we enjoyed delicious cuisine.

Walk on the Beach

After lunch, we walked over to the beach. The waves have a way of rebalancing me. I practiced some of my body flow moves, and then we walked and talked some more. Of course, there were moments where we just listened to the waves. 

Beach time


They reminded me how to breathe



And, I got to do some even deeper breathing during my workout this weekend. 

I hadn't been working out intensely with all that's going on. But, I decided it was time to get back to going all out. So, my husband and I took our first class as members at Orange Theory Fitness. These classes really push you! I felt so much lighter and open afterward!  


After sweating it all out and opening up from my workout, it was time to get filled up! So, we went to church -- virtually. 

I think the preacher was talking to me, as he read from Philippians 4:6. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God." There is peace in knowing that a force bigger than me will help with the load.  

And, he reminded me of a scripture that my Mom practically tattooed in our brains - Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through him who gives me strength." 

I channeled my strength and continued to pull it together to get ready for the week. 

New Hairdo

I found the energy to create a new hairdo for me. After 6 hours of careful handling, I felt good and marveled at my work! It's impressive how a simple tweak of the hair can instantly freshen up your spirit! 

B's New Hairdo

Intimate Time

I was feeling good, and my husband got a chance to share that with me. Apparently, sexy time does a body good.   

Getting Back to It

At the end of all of this is a good "Ahh!" I am feeling refreshed and have a renewed amount of strength. My husband and I looked at the calendar together. We made plans to tackle everything that is coming our way in the next couple of months. I am glad that I took the time to regroup to move forward with more energy and clarity and less stress! 

I hope that it's not too often that you find yourself in need of a full-on retreat like I did this weekend. Go at your own pace!

I encourage you to find the things (or borrow some of my things) that bring you need for self-care and to nurture your relationship with yourself and the ones you love most. 

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