20 Reasons to be Grateful at Work!

If you work full time, you spend roughly 71% or more of your time working - in most cases in an office or virtual office. In that time, something will inevitably go wrong.  


Isn't it exhausting to think about those things all day and let them keep you up all night long? Yes. It. Is.


Things are going to happen, but we can't let them control us! So let's focus more on the positive things -- starting with the things we are grateful for. That's a much more enjoyable experience! 


Of course, it takes some practice to make it a habit. So, let's practice!


I'm kicking off my practice by writing down things I am grateful for when working in the office. Perhaps, you can use this list too!


My Office Gratitude List

  1. The Internet. The internet connects us to the world outside of our immediate space. It provides the information we need to grow and do our jobs effectively. 
  2. Endless tea & coffee. There is nothing like the warmth of a hot cup of goodness! It's just the warm hug needed in the middle of a tough day.
  3. Running water. This is a luxury not afforded to everyone. Running water allows me and my co-workers to stay healthy and avoid spreading germs that could cause illness, like COVID-19.
  4. People. When you put more than one brain together, more gets done, and it's more fun to do! I'm so glad I don't have to do it all alone.  
  5. Snacks. Yes! When there's food, I can stay nourished when I'm eagerly working on that exciting project with tight deadlines. 
  6. Floors. Floors keep you level and grounded. It's the space that separates things, preventing clutter. And if you fall, it's just the barrier you need to keep you from going under. So if you find yourself on top of the floor, it's all up from there! 
  7. Unlocked doors. This is my freedom. At any time, I can walk through the door if I choose. There is nothing physically holding me back if I ever want to make a run for it.  
  8. Outdoor space. Sometimes you have to go outside to regain some perspective. Fresh air, warm sunshine, bird songs, and construction rhythms are all out there to greet me. 
  9. Money. Funds are deposited into my bank account a couple of times a week. I can financially support my ability to work and make an impact. I can fund my ability NOT to work -- when it is time. And, I can finance my family's well-being and dreams! 
  10. Walls.   Walls and closed doors mean more focused time. It means quiet. It's a place to hang something beautiful or a blank canvas for your imagination to go wild!
  11. Clean bathrooms. If the areas that attract the most bacteria are clean, we have a better chance at good health.
  12. SPACE HEATERS. For some, they like it cold. For others, they prefer it warm! And, we can all be comfy and regulate the air in our own space! 
  13. Friendships.  Considering that we spend so much of our lives at work, I learned to open up and appreciate the beauty of the relationships formed there.
  14. Whiteboards. It's so much fun to draw! And writing ideas up on the whiteboard leads to more great ideas and heightened focus.
  15. Mousepads. The recent addition of my sunflower mousepad brings a bit of sunshine into my space. It's a cushion to all my clicks!
  16. Plants. Live plants in the office mean more oxygen to breathe. Also, the color green from the plants has a soothing effect and reduces anxiety.
  17. Growth. Whatever I'm working on, it's an opportunity to challenge myself in a new way. I get paid to grow -- sounds like a win-win! 
  18. Contributing value. I am grateful to work where I can contribute my talents. Somehow, the act of giving and contributing to something greater than yourself is fulfilling. 
  19. Commute. I don't have a long commute to work anymore. I can spend the time before and after work with my family or for my self-care. When I had a long commute, I could use that time to listen to audiobooks, escape into some music, or make necessary phone calls. I am grateful for the time, either way! 
  20. Movement. I am grateful to have somewhere to go when I get up in the mornings. If you're moving, you're living! Going to the office means I'm on the move! 


Did I miss anything? 


Make a gratitude catalogue entry.


Then view our gratitude catalogue


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