3 Things You Can Learn From Simone Biles

Bottomless Joymosa Blog: 3 Things you can learn from Simone Biles

It's hard to escape the news that Simone Biles pulled out of an Olympic event this week because of her mental health. This was major news as it opened up more conversations about mental health when many of us are experiencing it ourselves - silently.

While watching the news coverage around Simone's decision, I discovered three things that we can all learn from her this week:

  1. Know When to Pause 
  2. Keep an Amazing Team 
  3. Don't be Silent
Let me explain each of these lessons.


Know when to Pause

At least 70% of anything we do is mental. But, sometimes, we ignore it and keep pushing without stopping in the name of being strong. We do it even through our most painful moments.

In spite of the pressure from her teammates, sponsors, and fans to perform, Simone recognized that she couldn't afford to compete without her mental health at its peak. Powering through it could cost her team one of the biggest athletic honors, an Olympic medal, or worse, she could fatally injure herself.  

She knew it was time to pause and place her mental health above all. And so she did. In the end, it was ok! The team won a silver medal, and we love her more.

The lesson here - the world does not end if we take a pause. The people we are trying to avoid letting down will be ok. It is more important for us to be ok so that we can continue to live.

Keep an Amazing Team 

Did you see that after Simone gracefully withdrew, she was cheering on her teammates? She allowed them to shine. It was evident that Simone believed her team is outstanding and still had a chance at winning! They were not upset, and they appeared to be in full support of her decision. 


You have to keep a team of A-list friends, family & colleagues around you. When you are not at your best, they've got your back. They are not bitter, and they genuinely care about your well-being! 


Don't Be Silent

We are programmed to appear like nothing is ever wrong with us and keep our struggles to ourselves. But somebody needs to hear your story. Somebody needs to know that every moment may not be a joyful one. Opening up can help you and others realize that they are not alone. 

I am proud of Simone for opening up and showing us that she is still human, even though she can do superhuman things. These conversations can lead to healing for many of us.

It is ok not to be ok sometimes. The only way for us to know this is if we talk about it! 

Be Like Simone

If everyone made decisions like Simone Biles, the world would be a better place! So, pause when it is time to [or even before], keep the A-team around to cover your back, and don't hold it in when things get down! 

The weekend is a day away. Plan time for you to pause! What are you doing this weekend to protect your sanity? Are you spending time with the A-Team? 



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