3 Ways to Save Time in the New Year

The new year always begins as a beautiful, blank canvas. It's a part of the year we hold sacred- a time to reflect on our lives. We research life hacks for bad habits, write down goals to accomplish, and configure plans to become the best version of ourselves. And amid the madness, we make promises to finally find time to do the things we've always wanted to do.  

Where does all the time go, and how do we save it? It might seem impossible with the million tasks we take on per week. However, it's not. There are several activities to make it possible to save time and pick up that hobby you've been dying to try. 


Figuring out where your time goes and tracking it is the most crucial step in time management. You can't find the gaps if you don't know where they are. Does your downtime go towards social media? Game apps? Binge-watching shows? If you answered yes (guilty!), grab a notepad and start tracking your day. Or find a time-tracking app. Begin with the big things first, like work and family time, and see if you can find any holes. And friends! There's no reason this part can't be fun, so make it a game.


If you're like me, you have a notebook full of lists that could go on for days. And come to find out, too many items on a list are overwhelming – no wonder items get left undone. However, lists are an essential part of saving time. Jotting down a to-do list helps you prioritize your day and can help slow the clock. The Ivy Lee method is a great example. It's simple, effective, and easy to follow. 

  1. At the end of your day, write down a list of six items in order of importance to complete for the next day. It's important not to exceed six
  2. Make sure that the list is prioritized from most important to least. 
  3. Scratch off items as you complete them. 
  4. Whatever items are left go on the list for the next day. 

This method has been helping people prioritize and save time for over a hundred years, so do some experimenting and see if it fits your needs. 


On a good day, most of us scramble around just to make sure that we're getting the essentials done. Some people are good planners, and if that's you, excellent – you’re already one step ahead of the game. But, if you have trouble in this area, you should think about brushing up on your schedule-making skills. Having a plan helps you understand what can realistically be accomplished in a day. It can also assist in allotting extra time and give you a one-up when unexpected life situations arise. This is an excellent way to find it if you're looking for time.


Our lives are often busy and complicated, and sometimes we forget just how much finding a sliver of time for ourselves can help us reset. Remember that part of living joyfully is making room for the activities that make us happy. It's an essential aspect of our mental health and vital to helping us discover new passions and interests. So, if you're feeling bogged down, or overwhelmed before the new year begins, start with one of these time-saving suggestions. The happiest of New Year to you! 

How are you going to make time for the things you want this year? Comment Below.

1 comment

  • Hi Ms. Joyful B Valentine, :-)

    As always, great suggestions and ideas!

    My goal is to finish my vegan book of rhymes and raps to inspire people to go vegan. I don’t always stick to this, but when I do, I wake up early as if I am going to work (I am retired), eat, shower, dress and then report to myself at 8:00 am. I work until 12, with a few 5 minute breaks in between. I get so much mord done doing that working on it piecemeal during the day. And that of course, leaves me more time in the day to do other things that are of value to me.

    My book is called I’M NOT VEGAN BUT MY COUSIN IS: Rhymes, Raps and Other Good Stuff About Respecting and Protecting Animals, Our Health and Our Planet.

    Here is a joyful rhyme that I hope will resonate with you.

    by Vivian Chinelli

    The success of your life
    is about the choices you make,
    the risks that you take and
    some luck thrown your way.

    Think big or think small.
    For yourself or for all.
    A life with a cause
    or a life thrown away.

    Decisions that make you
    or break you, forsake you.
    You have the choice
    to do great things and fly.

    Step out of your comfort and
    soar with the eagles.
    Break out of your boundaries.
    Be brave and fly high!

    Have faith that you’ll find
    all the strength that you’ll need
    to embrace your new vision,
    to thrive and succeed.

    You’ll be in control.
    You’ll make it work out.
    Your choice to go vegan
    will be your best choice.
    Without a doubt!
    Happy New Year!!!


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