5 Reasons Having Kids is Worthwhile

Kids Clean House

Since Thanksgiving is coming up next week, it's in season to be thankful, right? Well, I'm thankful for kids on behalf of the moms that bring them into the world!

I don't have any kids of my own, but I have seen them positively impact the lives of people close to me. And, many of the children that I've encountered have affected me! 

After observing and talking with some of my friends and family about kids, I've collected five benefits to having kids.


1. Kids Keep You Alive! 

Some people wander through life without a sense of purpose. They constantly ask themselves the question 'what's the point?" as they question their existence.  

But, it is pretty hard to resist those little eyes looking up at you. With one glance, they convince you to live another day

Your purpose becomes to keep this tiny human alive. You are driven to create life experiences for this mini-person that are better than those you've endured. You prepare your child the best you can to be a good force in the world and that they can receive the good back. 

And with this honorable responsibility, you willingly continue to wake up. You show up to the job even though you may not like it. You continue to move about this world. And you choose to live!


2. Kids Transform You Into a Superhero

And as you are out there doing it with your sense of purpose, you find yourself doing things you never thought of doing. And, you're doing things that you never thought you COULD do.  


3. Kids Make Boobs!

And for some of my flat-chest friends (I'm borderline), there is hope. I've seen those closest to me gain natural boob enhancements for an extended period after giving birth. Thanks kids! Even though this may not happen for everyone, I can't wait to see! 


4. A Crash Course on What Your Body Can Do

Your body is capable of MAKING humans! And potentially, 15-20 years after your high school anatomy class, you rush to study what your body will experience. 

Our bodies are pretty darn impressive. It's the way the organs come together to build a safe place for a human to grow. I am amazed by how our little spaces stretch and open up for a little person to come out. 

And though I haven't endured the pain myself, it's good to know that you can still live after the gut-wrenching belts that come from the labor rooms. 

And, finally, our bodies heal themselves while we continue to feed tiny people naturally. I'm still learning how it all works!


5. Good Company!

Ok, let's talk about when the fact that your kid can be some pretty good company. For better or for worse, you are hardly alone. 

And they can be so much fun!

Kids are funny. Plain and simple. They just are! They do and say the craziest things. 

And, I would say that it's like attending a life-long free comedy show, but kids are not free! However, it's worth the cost to have comic relief on those days you've just been grinding! 

Let's not forget that laughter burns calories and improves mental health. Maybe they are earning their keep by contributing to your health! 


Is it a sign?

A couple of days ago, I hugged my youngest grand-nephew, my godson, as his visit to California came to an end.  

I am thankful for the joy and growth that he is already inspiring in the family. I know he will continue to affect the world in the years to come positively. 

I felt it. I didn't want him to leave. 

Sooo......is that a sign? Should I put making a baby on my vision board for 2022? Why or why not? 

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