7 Tips to Sleep Like a Baby

Joymosa B. Valentine Rest is the Best

Are you burning the midnight oil again? I know, there are just not enough hours in the day! 

I realize that working all night doesn't give you a "get-out-of-waking-in-the-morning" pass. And, when I wake in the morning after a long night, it's almost guaranteed that the next day will be a challenge. And, I end up walking around with a little more edge. 

And it's all because I didn't get proper sleep!  

Sleep requires skill!

I vow to myself that I will get better sleep because I want to be in the best shape to take on the challenges of the day and fully experience all the joyful moments I can!  

However, it's not always as easy as turning out the lights and rolling over in bed. It requires preparation! It requires skill! 

Sleep is a skill that gets completely neglected in all our busyness. While we sleep, our brains spend time catching up with all our hard work from the day. That's when our bodies restore themselves. Our brains form new ideas and archives concepts we've learned.

After many nights of trial and error, I want to share what I do that has me jumping out of bed refreshed and eager to get the next day started.  

You don't have to do what I do. But, I hope you find your own method to get the best out of the night! Here are tips that have worked for me. Maybe they'll work for you too.

1. Get a routine. 

It is crucial to have a routine. Go to bed at the same time, and do the same things to wind down. With a routine, your mind and body can prepare for the grand event of sleep each night. 

Doing the same thing each night is almost as important as what you do. 

2. No food within 2 hours of bedtime

If I want to go to bed by 9pm, my last bite is no later than 7pm! Depending on what you eat, it takes your body 4 or more hours to digest it! If your body is working on processing food, it is not working on rebuilding your energy, restoring your muscles, or taking the well-deserved break that it needs.

3. Wash your troubles away!

The first thing I do in my night routine is wash the troubles of the day away! The shower is the gateway to letting go of the stresses and worries of the day. I let it all roll off my back and down the drain!

It's like a meditation. And, washing my face and brushing my teeth are part of this process, too. I feel light, relaxed, and minty fresh afterward! 

4. Slip into something cozy - but not too hot!

I love to slip into something soft, cozy, and warm. But, I try to avoid clothing that is not too hot!  

If you know me, it's not out of the norm for me to wear a winter coat on the hottest summer day. But, I get the least quality sleep when I bundle up too much at night.

Your body heat accumulates under the blanket. And, if you are slightly cool at the start of the night, the temperature under the cover will escalate to become just right for a good night's sleep. 

But, if your temperature escalates to a point where you are sweating, you lose fluid all night long while you are sleeping. Your body needs that hydration to function!


5. Sleep in the same place

I sleep in my bed. When I don't, it's a tough night. I wake up groggy and ugly the next morning.  

Sleeping in the same place every night is part of establishing a good sleep habit. Designate your bed as the place for sleeping and sex only. Avoid working, watching TV, or any other activity in bed.  

Ideally, when you lay in your bed, your brain will automatically know what to do because that's all you do there.


6. Empty your brain & refill it with good stuff! 

Before I go to sleep, I dump my thoughts on a piece of paper. For example, if anything crazy happens during the day that keeps cycling in my brain, I let it go. I let the page have it. 

If I messed up on something or someone made me upset, I put it down on the page. I can't lay in those thoughts. They are sleep bandits, and there's no room for them in my bed! 

To ward off the sleep bandits, I also recall and write down some good things. I ask myself these questions:

  1. What brought me joy today?
  2. What did I learn today? 
  3. What did I give today?
  4. What will bring me joy tomorrow?

I visualize these things as I write them, and anticipate the good moments that haven't happened yet.


7. Electronics + Lights off! 

Keeping the lights on slows the production of the melatonin you need to sleep well.


Avoid the phone, TV, or computer at least an hour before bed. The blue light in these devices transmits signals to your brain that keep you up and moving! 

The closer they are to your brain, the more your mind stays active. And the more at reach it is, the more likely you will be tempted to reach over and grab it. So, if possible, keep your electronics far, far away at night.


Final thoughts

When I adhere to all 7 of these tips, my sleep is so good! I feel refreshed and renewed the next morning. I leap out of bed energized and ready to experience the pleasant and productive day that I envisioned the night before! 

Tell me in the comments below. What is your night routine or tips that get you sleeping like a baby?

If you try some of the tips mentioned above, let me know how it goes! 

BONUS TIP: Wear a Fitbit at night to monitor your sleep progress!



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