What 3 Things Are Must-haves While Stranded On a Desert Island?

"If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take three things, what would you take?"

I've been asked this question several times before. And truthfully, I've never given it that much thought beyond that conversation!  

Being stranded in an unknown land is, perhaps, people's worst nightmare. But, as humans, we are highly adaptable, and we are incredibly resourceful in the moment. And for these reasons, I've never genuinely been concerned about the desert-island scenario.

Ok, maybe only just for a little while, but not long enough to do the research and map out that list of must-haves.  


Why do we assume the worst?

Though I haven't lost sleep over being stranded on a desert island, I am no stranger to turning a hypothetical or unlikely situation into something real -- so real that it takes over everything I do. Has this happened to you? 

Here, I recall a scenario where I did just that!  

My husband was late coming home from the studio one night. I thought he would be home around 10pm. But at 2am, I hadn't heard from him at all. And, my mind went on a trip when I called, and he didn't answer. What the??! 

There was anger, and there was fear. I asked and answered all the questions in my mind! I know what you may be thinking - he was probably out there with some other woman. 

In my gut, I didn't think he would do something like that at this moment! But, of course, this is a worst-case scenario moment, so for a moment, I did believe. I was considering if I had it in me to make like Jazmine Sullivan if I got up out of bed, drove across town, and found him with someone else. 

I lived every moment of that scene in excruciating detail, with my heart pulsing fast. I considered the answer to every question in my head. Would I leave? Would I be alone for the rest of my life? Would I go to jail for this? Would I have to sell the house? Where would I live? I shook myself out of that thought, "I can't do this to myself." And I pressed my head back into the pillow, thinking I'd tucked those thoughts in. 

But, then I was awakened by the next worst-case scenario. My husband struggles driving at night and has fallen asleep behind the wheel before. What if tonight he was in an accident? What if there was no one around to report it? What if I am the only one who knows he is out there missing, and me finding him on time was the one thing that could save his life? 

These were the thoughts that got me out of bed. I jammed my feet into my shoes and started peering down the freeway. My eyes were peeled for the tragedy alongside the route that my husband takes home.

I knew how it would look. The white, heavy-duty metal on his SUV would appear crumpled up like used cheap aluminum foil. A light post would be lying on its side. And people would just be driving by while he fights to pull himself from behind the wheel of the car. I'll spare you the gruesome details of his injuries, but my mind went on!

And then, I arrived at the studio. I hadn't found any evidence of an accident. But, I was prepared to retrace my steps if his car was not there. 

I was teeming with worry, in fear of what I would find. Then, as I turned the corner into the gated entrance, a peep of white came into view. I pulled in closer, and I found myself head-on with his white SUV - all in one piece, in perfect condition. 

A brown man started walking sluggishly towards his vehicle. Wait, is that him? Yep. That's my guy. He was fine. There was no girl. There was no accident. He had fallen asleep at the studio, and his phone died - the most likely scenario.

I believed him. I could see it in his eyes. There was no alcohol, smoke, or perfume scent on his person. 


What if we assumed the good?

I shook my head at the acrobatics I sent my mind through. Why do we assume the worst? And so quickly! What if we were to challenge a situation and believe the best?

What if we believed that being stranded on a desert island is a good thing?

This is an opportunity for your inner introvert to have her peace! This is a chance to get away from the buzzing phones and other inescapable devices yanking at your attention! You can create and rest, listening to calm waters gracing the shoreline. Your food - will now be all organic and directly from the land! You'll taste the freshness!

This is a chance to develop new skills and find a new way of living that doesn't require stress. You are free to experience all the joy. It's your island! 


My Three Things: 

So now that I allow myself to think of being stranded as a good thing, it's safe to consider the 3 things I would take with me on this desert island:  


I love water! It gives so much energy. I know the supply I can carry won't last forever, but it should hold me until I find a new natural supply. 


A Grill Lighter.
I love being warm at night. Unfortunately, I can't light a match on every attempt! The regular lighters hurt my thumb. So, a handy grill lighter is preferred. 


Pen & Paper.
Doodling is fun! And, I'd love to write down my experiences. I can use pen & paper to plan my activities, track my meals, and schedule out hunting & gathering days. 


What 3 things would you take with you on your fantastic trip to a desert island?







1 comment

  • Brilliantly said.
    Joymosa replied:
    Thanks Eric!


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