Buying Experiences (Not Things) Makes us Happier

Can money buy joy? 

According to a book I've read twice this year called Happy Money by Elizabeth Dunn & Michael Norton, it can if you spend it the right way. These authors outline their five best principles used to create joy with money. 


This book inspires me to re-think my whole money relationship and share it with you!


I've swung from one end of the money belief spectrum to the other in my four decades of life. On one end of the spectrum, I've believed that the more money you make, the happier you can be and make others. And, on the other end, I've been convinced "more money, more problems" and money is the root of all evil. But, of course, I have my bible-belt roots to thank for the latter! 


Today, I'm proud of my financial successes. I've worked my hinny off and won! But, with all that work, you reach a point where you crave more enjoyment!  


Happy Money, lays out principles that I'm convinced are worth giving a shot! Sorry, Bestie, if this is a spoiler:

  1. Buy experiences
  2. Make it a treat
  3. Buy time
  4. Prepay & delay consumption
  5. Invest in others


Today, let's talk about the first one - Buy Experiences! 

Buy Experiences

Many of us get hung up in buying houses, cars, designer 'must-haves,' and other things of choice. Sure, some of these things can be helpful and may temporarily bring joy. But, how often do your once "must-haves" end up in the corner of the basement collecting dust? 


Really, how often do they bring you joy? I don't know about you, but the build-up of the clutter can bring me pain! I have to work harder to afford to store them. Those things find ways to creep up on my to-do list in the form of cleaning or maintaining instead of enjoying them. So what's the point of having mounds of stuff sans joy?


Try buying experiences and not things. Go on that trip! Fly to the moon if you desire! 


I look back on my experiences and remember a feeling of joy - even now! In my mind, I escape to my reveling girls' trip in Puerto Vallarta where we explored the land, sky, and sea


When I move around in the dark at home, I remember when my husband and I dined in complete darkness at a fantastic restaurant in Los Angeles. Of course, then, it was the blind leading the blind, but fun! 


I think of when I released a lantern in sync with two thousand others in an open field at the Lights Fest, and my heart soars to the moon with them!


Hands down, the advantage of these experiences exceeded their cost!


What are some experiences that you remember that you paid for that are priceless?  


What are some things that you have purchased that you had to have that you haven't given a thought to in years? 

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