What's on your JOY list?

My Joy List Header

Do you remember that time when you were surprised with a chance to do something you wanted to do? It was when the event you were dreading was canceled. Suddenly, you were taken by your wandering thoughts of what could bring you joy in this newfound gem of time. 

If you're anything like I once was, you spent most of that prized time just trying to decide on what to do, only to realize that you've disappointingly missed your opportunity to indulge fully. 

We can't just leave it to chance! I've learned that if I want to have a life full of joy, I have to be intentional about it. We have to be intentional about feeling joy! You know how it goes -- it's way too easy for those obligatory things and unpleasant moments to flood the spaces in our minds and our schedules.


How to be intentional about JOY

I found a way to be intentional about keeping joy into my life -- it involves my Joy List and having Joymosas daily. Here is a breakdown of what I've done: 

  1. I created a Joy List, 
  2. I posted my Joy List where I can see it all the time [and my husband can see it, too], 
  3. I update the Joy List as new ideas come to mind, 
  4. Daily, I'll have a Joymosa -- in other words, I'll do something from my Joy List.
  5. In my journal each night, I list my Joymosas experienced that day,
  6. Before bed, I decide on which Joymosa I'll have the next day,
  7. I wake up and literally visualize the joy in my new days' planned Joymosa. [Then, repeat steps 3-7].

I feel so rich! Doing this has brought back a feeling of control and joy into my life. There is so much power in choosing to have at least a little bit of the good stuff every single day!


The Joy List

I've created a Joy List Template for you to jump-start your joy flow! Take 10 minutes to download your Joy List Template and list as many things as you can dream of that give you a feeling of joy. These are your Joymosas!

Download the Joy List Free Form and go wild! Scribble all your wildest dreams! In the Joy List Top 10, highlight your top 10 Joymosas that will give you the most joy or joy the most often! 

Can you remember the last time you've done this - if ever? It's so much fun! There are no limits. Write down things and experiences that take no time or money to lots of time or money. Think of experiences locally or abroad and things you have and don't have.  

Let your thoughts roll off the top of your head to the tip of your pen. Like me, things you've forgotten about will land on your page. 

Here is a list of 10 of my favorite Joymosas for inspiration. What's on your Joy List? 

LaTisha's Joy List - List of 10 Joymosas

1 comment

  • What a perfectly beautiful and simple idea. Joymosas – love it!!!


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