Keep Moving Towards What You Want

Have you written down a goal, started working towards it, and magically things keep working in your favor - just as you get a little weary? No? Just me?

If this is you, you’ll relate to what happened with me this week! If not, I challenge you to think back to the last time you started working towards a goal and recall if anything like this has happened to you.

This week, I admit, I was growing a little weary.  And I decided to keep going with my mission to spark joy in peoples' lives through Joymosa. I wrote down a new version of my vision, set some goals, and started taking action.

Here is what happened:

  • Goal: Create Engaging Videos for the Joymosa YouTube Channel:

I mustered up the courage to ask a friend to appear in a video with me to speak about her life experiences. She said yes! We recorded a video of our fun chat, which we’ll share with you later!

  • Goal: Capture better quality videos: 

I went to a coffee shop to edit videos, and I happened to sit across from a father-son YouTuber duo.  The father was a filmmaker who gave me a great tip to improve my video quality!

  • Goal: Grow the Joymosa community:
A lady introduced herself to me in the grocery store and offered to email me her vegan banana bread recipe (Yum!). In our email exchange, I shamelessly sent a link to Joymosa’s website (gulp!). She visited the site! She emailed me some encouraging words and expressed her excitement to explore!


Things just keep happening and moving me towards the goals without me trying. 

Today, I want to encourage you! Whatever you are desiring, in spite of any frustrations that come up, keep moving towards what you want!  Your responsibility is to keep working towards it with good faith and great intention. You’ll notice little bits of confirmation and support will show up along the way in the most surprising ways!

You might even find those surprises in our YouTube videos coming up! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and come along on this journey with us to a life with more joy!

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