People are traveling again & I'm headed to Nashville!

At the start of the pandemic travel took an insane nosedive. But now, the average number of people flying in the US in September has doubled compared to September last year - that's almost back to where we were in 2019! 

Look how much things have improved:

Chart: 2019-2021 Increase in U.S. Travel Post-COVID


I was a caged bird in Nashville

My good friend Jenny told me about her recent business trip to Nashville. She blushed, "I felt like a caged bird being released into the wild." She said people were swarming in every direction downtown on Broadway - masked and unmasked. 

On the one hand, she was nervous as people shuffled by her. Some of them were too close for comfort. And, she feared that one of them would finally break her No-COVID streak. They didn't.

But on the other hand, she was exhilarated to be out and among the land of the living. She was excited to feel the energy of other humans in person after going so long with only virtual interactions. 


There's no place like home!

I also visited Nashville recently, and I experienced the same feeling that Jenny had. I'm from Nashville, so I relished in the clacking of the cowboy boots on the pavement, the cackles from the bachelorette parties on wheels, and the bursts of live music escaping from the open windows of bars that lined the main streets of downtown Nashville. 

I kept my mask clung to my face. My hand sanitizer was -- handy -- strapped to my hip. And I claimed every open-air space I could spot, trying to avoid being too close to the crowds. 


And it was worth it! My dear friend, April, an incredible baker and singer, pointed out some of Nashville's new culinary and music finds. We found random spots to take fun photos. Then, we caught up while devouring the best Kale Salad, Tuna Burger, and frosé in the open-air space overlooking the city at The Hampton Social. Finally, we shared a long-overdue hug that filled my soul and can never be replaced by a FaceTime or Zoom video call!

Ah! That is the life! 

Like Jenny, lockdown made me feel caged in - now that energy is bursting to be released! I feel so much joy when I dance, when I cry with laughter with my friends and family. And being able to travel again makes that possible. I missed those things.  

I admit it's a little scary to take the risk, go outside, and travel -- especially with all the stories that we see in the news. And, I am grateful for those who take precautions to keep themselves and everyone else safe so that we enjoy each other once again. 


With Love 💗 & Joy , 

B. Valentine Logo


P.S. Are you planning to travel in 2021? Let me know in the comments → 

Example Responses:
"Yes, I can't wait to travel! ✈️"
"Oh no! I'm still freaked out by Corona 😬"

I read and reply to every response!


  • @Jamie – Thank God your family is safe and healthy!! Local trails and backyard camping sound like so much fun, too!

    B. Valentine
  • @Coty Graf – Happy travels to where ever you decide to go!! The world is yours!

    B. Valentine
  • Great article! My family and I have traveled twice already this year. While we had fun I too was super on guard (sanitizer handy and mask on!). The first time was in May right after they opened the vaccine up for everyone. People were still very vigilant. The second time around, in August, people were more lax and 2 family members caught Covid. Everyone is better now, no hospitalizations (Thank God!) but going thru that (pulling kids out of school, canceling all events, quarantine for 2 weeks, etc) was enough to turn me off travel. We’ll be sticking to local trails and backyard camping for a while! Looking forward to the next email ❤️ Jamie

    Jamie Lewis
  • I am traveling!

    Coty Graf

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