What is your best?

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If you were to become the "best version of yourself," who would that be? How would you look and feel? What types of things would you do or say? What could you accomplish? 

Your best effort to get to your ultimate best self may look different every day.

What Your Best is NOT

Your best is not THEIR best. Comparing your ability and progress to someone else's can be dangerous! 

It's ok to observe others' lives to see what's possible and be inspired. But, you can't expect the same outcome from your 7-day journey compared to someone else's 7-year journey. It's like comparing apples to oranges. 

Unrealistic comparison is a sure way to get UN-motivated to keep pushing and get what you desire! 

What Your Best COULD Be

Your best on any day could be less than your "ultimate" best. 

Forgive yourself when you are not performing at a peak level all day, every day. You are human! 

There are so many factors that play into how much you can do! Acknowledge them, and continue the best you can for that moment. 

Avoidable Obstacles

If you find yourself facing obstacles that were avoidable, celebrate your opportunity to avoid them next time. Don't waste the energy beating yourself up when you can be busy making the best of the situation.  

Circumstances Out of Your Control

If you encounter circumstances out of your control, accept them as a badge of honor. Sometimes those circumstances are what you need to push you beyond what you thought your best could be. But, it takes a little time to work out your flow!

Physical Limitations

Sometimes your body is just not up for all of the challenges, and there are physical limitations that slow your progress.  

If you've recently been ill, had surgery, experienced chronic pains, or have severe menstrual symptoms (hello, ladies!), you may try to work full-throttle through it all and still come up short. Give yourself an "E" for effort; you showed up! 

If you have permanent physical limitations, acknowledge them as circumstances out of your control. Then, explore ways to overcome them or redefine what you perceive is your best! 

Mental & Emotional Setbacks

Pandemic, hello? We have all been affected emotionally by some past and current circumstances. That's ok. 

It's hard to be your ultimate best when you're mentally and emotionally drained. So, slow down and give yourself time to feel your feelings and fill yourself back up! Then, organize your thoughts and keep moving forward.

Give yourself credit. Simply staying sane CAN be considered thriving! 

What Your Best IS

Your best is YOUR best. You know better than anyone what you can do because it's mainly defined by what you believe you can do.  

So, be honest with yourself, and set realistic goals. Then, make consistent efforts to meet those goals by showing up even in small ways every day, regardless of the circumstances. Finally, once you meet your goals, reset them and challenge yourself to go further! 

You'll soon surprise yourself when you look in the mirror and compare that person to the old you. Then, you realize that you are already your best and will only get better! 

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