A Miracle Morning - Bathroom Edition

Do you sleep like a baby and still have a hard time getting going in the morning? 

Getting proper rest is important for having some great days! But, the secret to those great days doesn't only include good sleep.  After a full battery charge overnight, you still need to get the engine started to hit the road running with purpose and a smile.

Joymosa B. Valentine waking up in the morning

Starting the engine

Starting the engine wasn't always a no-brainer for me. I stalled from time to time. I hit the snooze button. I repetitively stumbled over my own two feet. And, admittedly, I relied on the fake energy from the trusty liquid caffeine in my oversized ceramic mug.

In those days, I experienced way too many moments in the fog, and the days blurrily raced by. I wanted more clarity.

The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs by Hal Elrod & Cameron Herold

Finding a Miracle

Then a year and a half ago, I was inspired to get my mornings and days back on track after reading one of the Miracle Morning books - Miracle Mornings for Entrepreneurs by Hal Elrod & Cameron Herold.

The Miracle Morning approach prescribes life S.A.V.E.R.S. in the morning for a purposeful, energetic, and productive day. Life S.A.V.E.R.S. includes Silence (meditation), Affirmation, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, Scribing (writing), respectively.

You can do these activities in any order you prefer. So, I've taken the principles from The Miracle Morning and designed mornings that work for me.

I break up my morning into three parts:

  1. the bathroom edition
  2. the mind edition, and
  3. the body edition.

In this post, I will share the bathroom edition of my morning. But, don't worry, I'll spare you the graphics!

Get on up!

When your alarm goes off in the morning, you have a choice - snooze, or get on up!

As a former professional snoozer, I've learned that hitting the snooze button is not the option I want to take. It's a day-killer, a refusal of a new beginning. And, I never get enough quality sleep to make up for the rest I didn't get before my alarm goes off.

That's why more often than not, I love when I choose to get on up! I can always take a nap later if I need to!

One thing that helps me 'get on up' is making it more challenging to hit snooze. I keep my phone or alarm clock on the other side of the room. Then, I have to remove myself from the warmth of my blanket, launch myself from the bed, and feel the ground under my feet.

Oh, look, and then I'm walking! Since I'm up, I might as well scoot on over to the bathroom, my temple!

Scoot to the temple (the bathroom)!

Sure the bathroom is where gross things can happen, but it's a place to release, cleanse, and renew. So this is where I like to start the day!
Joymosa Peaceful Bathroom
The first thing I do is empty my bladder -- release all the toxins that my body has stored up overnight.

Then, I weigh myself and log my weight and body fat percentage while I'm at my lightest for the day. This habit is less about losing weight and more about reminding myself to make choices that support my physical health for the day. A bonus is that I am documenting my progress towards my fitness goals! (I use the Fitbit app to log everything.)

Cleanse from the outside in

After weighing myself, I continue the cleansing process. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Sure, these are mundane routine activities, but I like to turn them into meditation.

I am conscious of every movement and sensation. I savor the minty freshness of the mouthwash and the toothpaste. I am delighted by the luxury of a massage on my teeth and gums.

I welcome the tingles as I exfoliate the delicate skin on my face. I marvel at the soft new skin that is exposed.

Read Affirmations Out Loud

And now, I am refreshed. I am renewed. I look at myself in the mirror and remind myself of who I am and who I will be today. I recite my affirmations.

Affirmations can be different for all of us, depending on what our goals and needs are, but here is my favorite:

Where I've been has led me to where I am. And where I choose TO GO depends 100% on who I choose to be today.

Who I choose to be is the person who wakes up and decides to accept and give joy daily. I choose to be a person who owns the past and uses my experiences to propel me into the future. I am becoming a person who is rooted in purpose, even in uncertainty. Finally, I hope to be a person who inspires you to get the most out of life & enjoy it! 



Tell me in the comments:

What's missing from this part of the morning routine? 

Does your morning look like mine? 



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