A Miracle Morning - Mind Edition


Joymosa B. Valentine Meme - It All Begins in the Mind


In the Mind Edition of my Miracle Morning, I prepare my mind to be in top shape to tackle the day's tasks.

If you'd like to get some more ideas on how to jump-start your morning, or you're just curious about what the heck I'm doing in the morning, read on! 

Leave it all on the page

After finishing my morning bathroom routine, I go straight to the couch or my little outdoor nook. Once I'm settled, I pull out my journal and begin writing my morning pages. These pages are a must-have for me, thanks to Julia Cameron's The Artist Way

I write down whatever thoughts flutter through my mind in the 10-20 minutes I give myself to get it all out. It's a chance to check in and acknowledge how I'm doing. It's also a chance to cleanse my mind of any thoughts I don't need to hold onto all day. 

Joymosa Blog Image - Let it Go


Writing helps keep the thoughts that cycle in my mind from accumulating and bubbling up into dangerous distractions. Whatever fears and doubts I have, I try to leave them on the page. This shedding helps me move through the day much lighter. 

So many things come up in these pages as I silently probe myself. Song ideas, product ideas, storylines based on my crazy dreams, and solutions for problems I've been trying to solve for weeks. I just let the words flow from my brain onto the page. And miracles happen.

I also write what I'm grateful for and looking forward to. This helps me pre-load joy for the day and start the process of visualization.


Visualize the day

Visualization, for me, is like a virtual dressed rehearsal for the role I want to play in real life. It helps reduce stress and anxiety. And, it helps increase my chances of getting what I'd like to get out of the day. 

In my mind, I'm fleshing out what I want to accomplish, and I see myself doing those things effortlessly. I can feel the rhythm of my hips swaying and hear the clacking of my heels as I walk tall into a meeting room (or zoom call).

I'm the first one there, waiting on everyone else to arrive. And when they do, I'm prepared, organized, and confident. And, when I look around the room as we interact, I only see engagement and smiles. 

I visualize lunchtime because I love food! I can taste the satisfying crisp lettuce as the water from its ridges escape into my mouth! I can feel the burst of energy from the mere sight of the colorful vegetables that accompany my salad. 

I can see the dial on my water bottle at the highest mark because I drink all 120 ounces I planned to drink that day. 

I can see the smile on my husband's face because I decide to do something nice for him. 

My shoulders are relaxed because I don't sweat the small things, and I know that today's challenges are onlhy a blip in the grand scheme of things. 

I am happy doing the best I can. And, the person that I affirmed in the mirror in the bathroom edition of my miracle morning, I see her!  

Then, I breathe. 



Breathing is a form of meditation. I try to quiet my mind while doing a 2-5 minute breathing exercise using the Calm App. No thoughts -- just breaths -- and it feels so rich! Slow and steady breaths help me set the rhythm for the day. 

I discovered that the world won't end when I pause and take a breath. 

As I'm breathing, I usher out any thoughts that come up. Remember, I left them on the page. 

I need silence to create space in my mind. I then have room to fill it with the good stuff. 


Read the good stuff

After the breathing meditation, I take 10-30 minutes to read a good book, an article, or literature that inspires me. You can check out the books I am reading in my Goodreads profile here.


Every day is not perfect 

When you put all these steps together, initially, it may all seem like a lot. But, it helps me stay on my toes and be mentally and emotionally prepared to handle the new challenges and curveballs that life throws my way. 

Every morning is not perfect, and sometimes I miss some things. But even after writing, visualizing, doing breathing exercises, or reading inspiring material for just a few minutes, I notice a massive improvement in my mood and productivity.   

And though I've seen great results, I'm still on a journey to fine-tune my routine. So, I'd love to hear your thoughts! What's your morning routine? 

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