Don't Let Your Mousepad Steal Your Joy!

 Joymosa Old Dirty Mousepad - What took me so long to replace this

This week, I finally got fed up with my raggedy mousepad that sits in my office. I didn't pay anything for it. It just magically appeared on my desk about 5 or 6 years ago. And, I am so grateful that it did!

Why I'm fed up...

This mousepad has been my comfort through 6.5 million clicks, 3 thousand meals at my desk (a bad habit!), a major office renovation, and two office relocations.

But, now, it is frayed and has accumulated a permanent layer of questionable matter that I am ready to part with. I've tried to clean it, I promise! But, regardless of what I do, there is this hue that just won't go away.

Apart from its look of filth and wear and tear, it inspires nothing. It's just black—plain ole black. I sit in front of my black computer monitor with a black keyboard and a black mousepad with a partially black mouse. Can I get some color in here??? 


So, why haven't I replaced this eyesore before now? 

The first excuse is time. I've been trying to manage my time and prioritize what is most important to me. And, like you and many people this year, I've had a lot on my plate! So to me, shopping for the perfect mousepad was just another thing 'to do.' And I didn't want to add anything else that wasn't going to change my life.

The second reason is that I hate wasting money. I have a hard time spending money on things just for my enjoyment. Justifying buying a replacement for something that still works was just not in my wheelhouse.  


But, I have changed! 

But, things are changing! I am changing. My wheelhouse is opening up, and I find value in spending my time and money on things and activities that inch me closer to joy.  

More broadly, I prioritize my mental health. And, changing small things around me for my enjoyment is something that I should prioritize for my mental well-being! 

So, when I find myself surrounded by broken, undone, and uninspiring things, I give myself two options - change my environment or change the way I see it. And, in the case of my old beat-up mousepad, I changed it!


I made my own new favorite thing! 

I'm done letting that old mousepad steal my joy! So, I designed my new replacement mousepad! First, I created an image with a sunflower - an item from my Joy List. Then, I embedded it onto my new mousepad to create one of my new favorite things.

The manufacturer is making it now. And, it should arrive in a few days! I am excited for it to brighten up my workspace, spark creativity, and accompany me joyfully through 10 million more clicks!  


Joymosa Sunflower Mousepad with Mouse and keyboardJoymosa Sunflower Mousepad Angle Shote

Be inspired in your workspace

Moral of the story is - fill your workspace with inspiring things for your own mental health! Don't let the old and crusty bring down your day!

To help you with that, I have made my sunflower mousepad available on the Joymosa website -- that's if sunflowers bring you as much joy as they bring me! 

If sunflowers are not your jam, what is?

Type in the comments and let me know what would inspire YOU on your mousepad?

Maybe I'll make one for you!

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