Gratitude Check-in #51 : Hot Water, Digestive Flow, & Hubby's New Hobby

Hey, Love! I wanted to check-in and share with you three things I'm incredibly grateful for today!

1. Hubby's New Hobby

First, let's talk about my husband's new obsession with watering the lawn. He's gone all-in, ordering an amazing sprinkler and spending hours outside, bringing joy and playfulness into our lives. It's not just about the grass; it symbolizes his commitment to our relationship and the positive shift it has brought.

I can tell you more about it here

2. Digestive Flow

Next, I want to express my gratitude for our bodies' amazing digestive mechanisms. Our bodies have this incredible ability to eliminate waste, making us feel lighter, brighter, and cleaner. It's a reminder to appreciate the simple pleasure of a healthy digestive system and take care of ourselves through hydration, digestible foods, and fiber. And when things get a little stuck, there are remedies to help restore the flow and keep us feeling our best.

If you ever need some tips for getting unstuck, read this.

3. The Luxury of Hot Water

Lastly, I want to highlight the luxury of hot water. It's something we often take for granted, but it brings so much comfort and relaxation. Stepping into a steamy shower or enjoying a soak allows us to unwind, clear our minds, and recharge. Let's appreciate the little things in life and embrace the luxury of hot water, using it responsibly and cherishing those moments of self-care. 

Want to read what is basically my love letter to hot water? Here it is. Haha! 

With Joy and Gratitude

Cheers to parts of our lives that bring us joy and gratitude! 

What's making you smile right now? Tell me in the comments!

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