Let's Celebrate!

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Every week, I have a call with Traci. And, the first thing she asks me is, "What can we celebrate today?" And, she doesn't finish her sentence before the crickets take over the line. 

Crickets are loud and obnoxious when they're imaginary!

My heart beats faster, and my legs get heavier as I struggle to lift my legs over those thoughts that I trip over. 

"This was a crazy busy week, and I am just exhausted." 

"Ugh, I didn't get a chance to [insert everything]." 

"Man, I'm a horrible friend because I...." 

"It took me twice as long as I expected to write that thing -- what's wrong with me?" 

Eventually, I make it over the loathing, and I get to the celebration part! But, not without help! 

My help comes from two places - 

  1. My accountability partners.
  2. My cheat sheet. 

My Accountability Partner 

My inner critic has ruled me for over 30 years. That voice has helped push me to do some amazing things and be better a better person. But man, the mental self-battery can be exhausting! And it's tough to celebrate anything when that voice is so freaking loud!

Traci, my life coach, is helping me drown out that voice. She is one of my main accountability partners and helps me recognize when I veer off-path. Then, she nudges me back on track as she stops me by mentioning a win that she's observed. 

"Oh, I can celebrate that? Oh!" And slowly, I tip-toe back into the room where my voice is acknowledging that I've done some good instead of beating me up for what I haven't done! 

It's nice to have an accomplice in the escape from my inner critic. But, if it weren't also for my cheat sheet, I'd fall on my face when it's time to celebrate!


My Cheat Sheet

My cheat sheet is a list of wins, my lifeline. It's where I jot down the fleeting moments when I am proud of something I've done. I also document other joyful moments that unfolded in the day. Most of the time, I'll add a photo to have a visual memory of the experience. 

And at least weekly, I revisit my list and muse over the great experiences I've had. My wins list is personal evidence that I can do extraordinary things, and I am blessed to have gratifying experiences with phenomenal people. 

4 Things I'm Celebrating This Week

Here are 4 things on my list this week that I'm celebrating:

1. I safely & successfully traveled to 4 different cities this week! 

I am grateful for the technology, financial resources, and my health that made it possible to travel thousands of miles. And, as a result of my travels, I've learned lots of great things and nurtured some meaningful relationships. Win!

 B. Valentine's flight from Columbus Ohio

2. I tried out a new Joymosa sweatshirt! 

It's getting chilly out here in these streets! I am so happy to have a new super soft and warm sweatshirt hoodie with festive colors I love and the "Joymosa" logo to remind me to choose joy and celebrate! 

B. Valentine New Hot Pink Joymosa Sweatshirt Hoodie


3. I posted the 16th blog on the Joymosa site! SWEET 16! 

I think we're on to something here! Maybe I CAN do this. Perhaps it is ok to celebrate the 16th post instead of mourning the loss of the 100 that I shoulda, coulda, and woulda posted.


Bottomless Joymosa Sweet 16th Blog Post 

4. I took a relaxing bubble bath.

Simple, but a big deal to me! I don't have a stationary bathtub at home, so it is a real treat when I get to do this! It feels good when I am nice to myself! 

 Joymosa Bubblish Bubble Bath

What are you celebrating?

Even the small things deserve celebrating. And, I'm sure you've got a mass of those things waiting for your attention and celebration!

Are you like me and sometimes struggle to find reasons to celebrate? If so,  here is a list of 50 amazing things worth celebrating every day. 

Let me know in the comments below what you are celebrating! 


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