A Miracle Morning - Body Edition

In the last couple of weeks, I've given away a few of the secrets to my mornings. When I follow my routine to a tee, I feel energetic and productive for the whole day. 

The first part of my morning starts in the bathroom, my sacred place, then I move on to prepare my mind for the day. After my mind is ready, I've got to crank up my body's engine. 

Let's talk about how I get this ole' body ready! Maybe there's something here you can use for your beautiful self! 

Hydrate for life

The first thing I do for my body is to drink 20 ounces of water! It's like I'm pouring life into my body. 

Overnight, my body gets so dehydrated! And, loading up on water helps revive me and release toxins before I get the day going. My day just 'flows' better when the water is flowing.

Check out this article from USA Today on the reasons you should drink water in the morning.  

Sweat it out

After I rehydrate, I sweat! I do just enough of a workout to get the heart pumping and the blood flowing. By doing this, I wake up the rest of the cells in my body and send the signal that "we all need to get moving!" 

During my workout, I release toxins through my pores and pre-burn excess calories. And, my exertion increases the chance of strutting through the day with ease, even when food tries to slow me down.  

What do I do for exercise? First, I have to say that I am not a fan of hamster-wheel-type workouts. Boring! So, I try to make my workout useful, fun, or short (if I'm not saving time or having a blast).

Lately, I've been doing a 7-minute workout for energy, strength, and toning. As an option, if I'm pressed for time, I'll do 100 jumping jacks, run in place, or do a quick full-out dance to some reggae dancehall music. And, I work up an appetite!


Eat it up

What I decide to eat at this point dictates how the rest of my day will go. So, I choose something I can digest easily -- producing energy and not draining it. Fruits and vegetables usually fall into that category.

For the last couple of years, my morning ritual has consisted of a tasty, filling, energy-producing smoothie consisting of: 

  • 1 scoop Dr. Shulze's SuperProtein Plus
  • 2 tablespoons of Dr. Shulze's SuperFood Plus
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/2 cup of beet juice
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries
  • 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries

Most people I have made this smoothie for -- including my foodie husband, who helped craft this recipe -- are hooked! I know I am. 

It's a different kind of breakfast than what I used to eat. Being a southern-raised girl, I used to live on buttered biscuits, buttered toast, fried eggs with cheese, fried potatoes, and anything else they're serving up on the grease.

However, I realized that when I load up on fats and starches in the morning, I'm destined for a slow-paced, low productivity day. 

Since I've done so much work to get going, I don't want to mess it up by the time I eat something! I am ready to get moving into the day and start doing things that matter! 

Tell me! What's the best thing that gets you going in the morning?




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